Stories of Change
The impact of our work is seen in different ways. It could be a student suddenly having a voice in decisions made at home because she now contributes to the family income. It could be a mother deciding that her daughter will be allowed to study further. It could be a girl daring to teach the skills learnt in a neighbourhood NGO…

I realized, that once I stand on my own feet then everyone’s views will change
Sunita came to Kamalini at a point in her life when she was feeling very constricted by her life. Covid had left her husband without a job. The neighbours and family members taunted her for wanting to step outside the house to work. Sunita searched for a way to make something of her life.
At Kamalini she found a place where she was taken seriously and respected. She was given financial and emotional support. The course was professionally run, and she felt empowered to do far more than she had previously dared to dream. When faced with the threat of physical abuse, in her community, she got the courage to raise her voice against injustice.
With the support of her husband, she went on to teach the skills learnt at Kamalini in a small institute in her village, while also taking on work with clients around her village. She used social media to build a wider clientele. She now plans to start a small parlour of her own in the nearby town. She is able to now envision a much better future for her family.
The very neighbours who had taunted her previously, have grown to respect her. She continues to keep in touch with Kamalini and returns to update her skills and inspire the students.

I am doing everything I can, so that my daughter is not stopped from achieving what she wants in life.
Nikita was married young, before she could complete her graduation. Before her marriage she had dreamt of studying further and had started working, helping out with teaching in a local school. But after marriage her world shrank to the confines of her house, and she could not see a way forward to explore options to work or study.
The safe environment in Kamalini and the transport provided persuaded her family to allow her to join Kamalini for the stitching course. Initially, she was very shy and hesitant to express her opinions or ask a question. With mentoring and encouragement, she slowly began to believe that she could have more control over her life.
She began by offering to stitch clothes for free – gaining experience and building a reputation for quality work. Then she started using social media to widen her clientele.
She has now gained a reputation for being able to stitch trendy designs for young women. She has bought extra machines and is teaching the skill she has learnt to some women in her village, charging them a fair fee. As she began to bring in an income, her family became more encouraging and gave her more freedom to travel on her own and meet with other people. She took up an offer for network marketing for a company selling ayurvedic medicines and made a good profit.
Her husband, in-laws and children are now very proud of her. She wants her children to have the opportunities that she did not have – and is determined that her daughter will be given the freedom to study and work if she wants to and not be forced to marry young.
After a gap of 2 years, Nikita has recently returned to Kamalini to do the newly introduced advanced expert level stitching course. She continues to teach her own students when she gets back home. Her teacher said that she finds Nikita much transformed – very confident and outgoing and ready to help other students.
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Share information on a previous project here to attract new clients. To help visitors understand the context and background of the work, provide a brief summary. Include the project's time frame and scope, as well as its goals and outcome.
Add details about why this project was created and what makes it significant. Explain how the business handled challenges and overcame obstacles to make this undertaking a success. Consider adding images or videos to showcase the project and engage viewers.Share information on a previous project here to attract new clients.