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Annual Educational Trip

Expanding Horizons

Wednesday 1 March, 2023

At Kamalini Vocational Training Center, a new tradition has emerged: an annual day trip to Delhi for students and teachers. This adventure offers a blend of excitement and education. We organize a bus to transport everyone from campus and plan an engaging itinerary that includes visits to entrepreneurial showcases, historical sites, art exhibitions, and major landmarks. The day concludes with a delightful picnic lunch.

On February 27, 2024, students explored Waste to Wonder, the Old Fort, and other significant Delhi landmarks. They took countless selfies with the replicas of the Seven Wonders and the impressive dinosaur exhibits. The grandeur of the Old Fort left them awestruck, and they returned with a deeper appreciation for Delhi's history and new aspirations for future adventures.

Previous trips have included visits to Nature Bazaar, Qutub Minar, Nehru Park, and Sunder Nursery. At Nature Bazaar, students were inspired by interacting with craftspeople and entrepreneurs from across the country, gaining insights into successful design, quality craftsmanship, and marketing. Meeting successful women from similar backgrounds was particularly motivating.

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